Three Semi-Tropical Etudes – flute and piano
Three Semi-Tropical Etudes (8/21/14) for flute and piano – 10’00”. The Three Semi-Tropical Etudes are etudes in the loosest sense. They are so-named because two of them require a very relaxed performance style, and all three have both tricky internal rhythms and a rich melodic flow. The movements are of moderate difficulty, suitable for student performance. “Dreams and Visions” begins with solo flute. Gradually the texture thickens as the dreamlike state unfolds. “Fools and Melancholy” is a wistful love song about unrequited love. “Mischief and Flirtations” plays with the idea of being “fast and loose.” There is, however, a slower middle section expressing a longing for “true love.”
Moderate Difficulty
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To listen to a MIDI performance, click here.