The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids – narrated woodwind quintet
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids (Completed 4/27/17) for narrator and woodwind quintet – 18’00”. This delightful tale is true to the original by the Brothers Grimm. Like all good fairytales, it is a story of good versus evil. A mother goat leaves her seven kids at home while she is out, warning them about the treachery of the wolf. The kids know the wolf’s tricks, but by revealing their knowledge to the wolf they allow the wolf to change tactics. The wolf tricks the kids and eats all but the youngest who is hidden. How does the mother goat save her young? Perform this work and find out.
A great piece for children and families of all ages. It was commissioned by the Philharmonic Association for performance by student ensembles in the Triangle Youth Philharmonic.
Medium Difficulty
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Listen to the music without narration, click here.