The Arab Spring – string quartet
The Arab Spring (2012) for string quartet– 18’00”. Inspiration for this work came from the remarkable struggles in Egypt that led to the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. Thus, the prolonged and arduous process needed to create democracy began. Overthrowing the tyrant was just the beginning.
There are four movements. “Newfound Freedom” attempts to capture the sense of subdued elation and eventual celebration of the Egyptian people. “Compassion with Conflict” creates both a sense of joy and of underlying stress. “Empathy and Sorrow” emphasizes the price that was paid in human suffering and despair. The mood here is sad but not tragic. “Living with Joy” has a rhythmic drive and sense of play. Five-beat and seven-beat groupings help capture the spirit of Middle Eastern folk music.
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To listen to the finale, Living With Joy, click here.