The American Eagle – pipe organ
The American Eagle (6/29/18) for pipe organ – 7’15”. As a symbol of America, the bald eagle is without peers. It is seen on the Great Seal of the United States, the President’s Seal and seals of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Energy, Homeland Security, Commerce, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Veterans Affairs and Human Services. It also represents the FBI, CIA, NSA and FEMA, to name just a few of many.
This piece shows the bald eagle in three ways, each corresponding to a section of the work. First, imagine the majestic bird in flight. Next, think of the eagle as part of our folk heritage, following the expansion of the American ideal created by its explorers and settlers. The final section shows the eagle as a symbol of military strength.
Moderate Difficulty
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To hear a sample of the piece click here.