• The Energies of Adam – piano quartet

    The Energies of Adam (1984) for piano quartet – 19’00”.  I wrote these four movements to honor my thirteen-year-old son.  “Flashy/Exuberant” reflects the cocky energy with which he faced each day.  He was self-confident and sure of…

  • Journeys – violin and piano

    Journeys (2010) for violin and piano – 5’00”.  The title refers both to physical and spiritual movement. During the composition the main theme returns several times. Each episode in between gets a little longer and a little…

  • The Wolf and the Seven Kinds for narrated woodwind quintet


    PROGRAM NOTES: There are four meditations in this composition, each with a different character. The first is largely melancholy, despite the energetic pizzicato that begins the movement. There is conflict here. The pizzicato is balanced by a…