String Quartet No. 5
String Quartet No. 5 (1/30/13) – 14’50”. The work is a series of dances: evocative and tonal dances from the imagination, following no prescribed plan. The first movement is marked adagietto. An opening melody by the first violin and a new melody from the cello lead to a dance rhythm, resembling a bolero. The second movement is marked allegro moderato and begins in a rather sing-song manner with an oom-pah bass line interrupted by syncopations. The first violin begins an unexpected four-voice fugue but the movement closes as it began. The third movement, marked adagio, is a deliberate departure from the condensed activity of the second movement. It uses solos and duets text to create a dirge-like interlude. The fourth movement is marked allegro and uses quartal harmonies to delineate sections that allow each instrument in the quartet to shine. A series of canons develop the material and bring it to a close.
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To listen to the first movement click here.