Reunion/Reminisecence – flute ensemble
Reunion/Reminiscence (8/24/16) for piccolo, 3 flutes, alto flute and bass flute – 6’30”. This work was composed for a reunion of former flute students of Marie Jureit-Beamish, students acquired during over 35 years of teaching at Principia College in Elsah, Illinois. Reunions of this type are rare because they involve multiple generations of students. This work tries to recreate the emotional mix of such reunions. It begins with excitement and anticipation in a melody representing both familiar acquaintances and shared music making. This theme undergoes varied settings, as friends change over time. A slow section represents the pleasure of making new acquaintances. The initial excitement returns with the main theme and brief counter melodies. The work ends with echoes of the main theme and the sense that all will soon be only a memory.
Moderate Difficulty
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