Pentamerisms – Guitar Duo
Pentamerisms (1993) – Duration: 10’00”. There are three movements in the work – Dreamscape, Dancescape and Treescape. Each of the movements features some aspect of the number five – quintuple meters, quintuplets, or rhythmic figures in groups of five. “Dreamscape” opens with harmonics and harmonic chords from the first guitar against a single, falling melodic line from the second. When the parts are exchanged, the melodic line is inverted. A middle section is more traditional with the lower part supplying the harmonic foundation for a lyric melody. It is interrupted several times by block chords moving in opposite directions before a brief return to the opening. “Dancescape” uses changing, irregular meters and simple melodic patterns to create a cheerful, Latin dance. Each section ends with block chords in compound duple and long silence. “Treescape” opens with a pounding accompaniment that begins with a quintuplet against a melody in octaves performed in triplets. This evolves into quintuplet followed by descending eighth notes and later descending eighths against a rhythmic figure in a group of five.
Moderately Difficult
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