Obstination – mixed chamber ensemble
Obstination (1/15/16) for flute, French horn, violin, cello, and piano – 10’00”. I made up the term “obstination” to refer to a state of pointed and fully intentional obstinacy. I use this term knowing that obstinacy already covers this meaning, but I am too stubborn to use it. Conflict and dramatic tension result from “obstination,” even if compromise is in everyone’s best interest. This work follows such a conflict.
The principal theme in the first movement is all about assertiveness. If the movement were a character, it would be a character that knew it was right. The second movement “character” can be interpreted as more introspective and intellectual. It includes a carefully stated argument, played by the horn, and a piano solo that reflects pride in the horn’s argument. This, too, is a character that thinks it has won. The third character or movement represents the victim of a lack of compromise. There are troubled chords and a melancholy melody from the flute. Tension builds. Finally, the piano enters with a series of extremely frustrated and manic statements. These subside in resignation, and the work ends.
Medium Difficulty
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To hear an excerpt from the Finale click here.