It’s All I Have to Bring Today – for mezzo-soprano, clarinet and piano

This is the first song from the song cycle All I Have to Bring Today for mezzo-soprano, clarinet and piano (Emily Dickinson).  This cycle is about unrequited love and lasting hope.  The first song, “It’s all I have to bring today,” is a dreamy setting revealing an open heart, full of anticipation and hope. It is a heart as wide as “all the fields and meadows” and as full as “all the bees that in the clover dwell.”

The songs and interludes in the cycle are as follows:

  1. It’s all I have to bring today – 2’45”
  2. Summer for Thee – 1’55”
  3. First Interlude (clarinet and piano) – 1’10”
  4. You Love Me – You Are Sure? – 2’50”
  5. You see I cannot see – your lifetime – 2’15”
  6. Second Interlude (piano) – 1’15”
  7. This might have been the hand – 3’15”
  8. The Bee is not afraid of me – 2’35”

Moderate to Difficult

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To hear an excerpt from “It’s all I have to bring today” click here.