If He Were Born Today
If He Were Born Today (7/19/16) for SATB choir and organ or SATB choir a cappella – 3’50”. How we would know the second coming. The world today is one of advanced technology and digital reality. It is sometimes difficult to know what is real. This carol poses the question of whether we would recognize Christ’s return in such a vast world. The piece itself begins with a refrain that is repeated after each of three verses. The final refrain is modified, leaving us with the question, “Will we be aware?”
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$3.00 for first PDF, right to print additional copies at $1.00 each.
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The work has not been recorded. To listen to a MIDI rendition of the accompanied version click here.
The work has not been recorded. To listen to a MIDI rendition of the a cappella version click here.
To see a copy of the text click here.