Four Characters in Search of a Sonata – unaccompanied bass clarinet
Four Characters in Search of a Sonata (9/12/13) for bass clarinet – 11’00”. The four characters or movements in this work are really etudes rather than traditional sonata movements. “Self-Doubter” explores two aspects of the bass clarinet: its altissimo range and its ability to produce multiphonics. Every time a melodic statement is made, multiphonics express doubt about its validity “Obsessive” is an etude exploring arpeggios and scales. “Confident Soldier” explores wide leaps and breath control on the instrument. It is set as a march, but the sections are quite irregular in length and most end “on the wrong foot.” “Laid-Back” is about performing rhythms in a jazzy, laid-back manner. It also explores glissandos briefly in its middle section. The idea is that the rhythmic sense should be very relaxed, as if the performer did not have a care in the world.
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To listen to the work, click here.