Concerto for Clarinet and Strings

Concerto for Clarinet and Strings (2012) – 14’50”

The first movement, Passion, begins with a cadenza for the clarinet. The first theme at the entrance of the strings is somber and tense. A second theme is introduced by sustained strings, imitated by the clarinet. The first theme returns and is interrupted again by sustained strings that  evolve into a third theme characterized by the frequent use of triplets. The clarinet cadenza returns, and a brief reference to the first theme brings the movement to its end.

The second movement, Frustration, begins with a jagged but sustained melody in the lower strings answered by descending scales from the clarinet. Dissonant chords follow along with a string accompaniment related to rhythms from the first movement. The entire second movement develops from these elements, ending with another clarinet cadenza.

The third movement, Jubilation, is a light, cheerful rondo. It features wide leaps and arpeggios in the clarinet part, things particularly suited to the instrument.

Difficult Solo

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To listen to an excerpt from the first movement, Passions, click here.