Bee! I’m Expecting You! – soprano or tenor and piano
This song forms the opening of the song cycle, A Wagtail Dance. It is a letter to an old friend. The cycle gets its name from the behavior of bees. When bees return to the hive, they need to communicate the location of suitable flowers, such as clover, to the other members of the hive. This is done by means of a wagtail dance. The dance is done in the form of a figure eight and can somehow be interpreted to give the location of the nearby clover. There are “eight” short songs in the cycle.
A Wagtail Dance for soprano or tenor and piano (Emily Dickinson)
- Bee! I’m expecting you – 1’15”
- The Pedigree of Honey – 1’05”
- A Single Clover Plank – 1’55”
- A Bee his Burnished Carriage – 1’30”
- Of Silken Speech and Specious Shoe – 1’30”
- Bees are Black – 1’30”
- We – Bee and I – 2’05”
- To Make a Prairie – 50”
Medium Difficulty
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To listen to “Bee! I’m Expecting You!” click here.